About Mindful Compassionate Parenting

Mindful Compassionate Parenting is a certified mindfulness and self-compassion training designed specifically for parents with the aim of improving stress management in everyday family life and taking more mindful care of themselves.
MCP has been developed by Jörg Mangold, a German child and adolescent psychiatrist, family therapist, mindfulness teacher and father of four.
In 2017, Jörg adapted and expanded the elements of various proven course formats of evidence-based mindfulness (e.g. MBSR, MSC, MBCT, MBCL, PNT, MP).
The result is Mindfulness Compassionate Parenting (MCP®), a course format that supports parents in meeting the needs of themselves and their children with love and compassion in the middle of all challenges of everyday family life.
In 2019, the course programme was certified as a stress prevention course in Germany and can be subsidised by the health insurance funds in Germany.
Right now a randomised and controlled study is carried out by the universities Heidelberg and Kassel in Germany to evaluate the program.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

- Rumi

Mindful Compassionate Parenting supports you…

  • To increase mindfulness in the parent-child relationship
  • To be more understanding towards your children and your partner
  • To meet yourself and the children with more acceptance and compassion
  • To develop a stronger bond with your children
  • To trust your own heart
  • To cope better with stressful situations and thus reduce general stress
  • To reduce problems of parents and children at the behavioural and emotional level
  • To cultivate happiness and be in touch with you heart
  • To build inner resources from your positive experiences

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